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Your Guide to Nursing Home Abuse & Prevention

Millions of elderly adults live in nursing home facilities.
Every one of them deserves to feel safe, protected, and respected.

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Injuries in Nursing Homes


Injuries in Nursing Homes

Nursing homes play a vital role in providing care and support for the elderly and disabled.

However, the very places meant to safeguard their well-being can sometimes become environments where injuries occur. They not only cause immediate pain and suffering but can also lead to long-term health complications, affecting the quality of life of the victims.

Understanding the causes of these injuries in nursing homes is essential for preventing them and ensuring the safety of nursing home residents.

The Nursing Home Reform Act, a federal law, sets out specific rights for residents, including the right to be free from abuse and neglect. Additionally, each state has its own regulations and oversight mechanisms to enforce these standards.

The silent nature of this harm often makes them go unnoticed until it’s too late. We must remain vigilant and become aware of the most common injuries that are tied to nursing home abuse, such as the following:


Also known as pressure ulcers, bedsores can develop on the skin and underlying tissue. These injuries are common in nursing homes, especially for residents who spend the majority of their time in a wheelchair or bed.

Bedsores can be very painful. In the most severe cases, they can become infected. They also develop in stages, each more severe than the last. Understanding these bedsore levels is important for effective prevention and treatment.

The four levels of bedsores include:

  • Stage 1: Non-Blanchable Erythema. The skin appears red and does not blanch (turn white) when pressed, and may feel warmer or cooler than surrounding areas. The sufferer may experience pain, itching, or a burning sensation. The skin remains intact without open wounds.
  • Stage 2: Partial-Thickness Skin Loss. Shallow ulcers with a reddish-pink wound bed, which may appear as an open blister or abrasion. The skin has broken open, forming an ulcer that looks like a blister, abrasion, or shallow crater. There may be some drainage or fluid.
  • Stage 3: Full-Thickness Skin Loss. These ulcers extend into the subcutaneous tissue, creating a deep, crater-like wound where fat may be visible, but muscle, tendon, and bone aren’t yet exposed. Wound edges may be rolled (epibole), and there may be slough (yellowish tissue) or necrotic (dead) tissue.
  • Stage 4: Full-Thickness Tissue Loss. At this stage, there’s extensive damage, and the ulcer extends deeply, exposing muscle, tendon, or bone. Slough or eschar (dark, dead tissue) may be present, and tunneling or undermining (dead tissue that extends under the intact skin) can occur.

Since bedsores are prevalent in nursing homes, staff members must take extra measures to prevent these injuries. If staff neglects a resident, they could develop these painful pressure injuries.

Broken or Fractured Bones

Falls and broken bones in nursing homes are serious concerns. As a person ages, they are at an elevated risk for falls due to impaired balance. Broken bones and fractures in older adults are dangerous as their bodies may not heal properly, leaving them with limited mobility even after the fracture has healed.

Broken bones and fractures often signal a serious problem. When there is neglect or inadequate supervision from the caregiving staff, it can result in injuries to these residents.

Any sign of unexplained fractures should be investigated as a possible indicator of nursing home abuse.


With a large, medically vulnerable population, infections or viral outbreaks in nursing homes can pose significant health risks to residents and staff members. Many residents suffer from weakened immune systems and are susceptible to various infections.

However, when there is a high incidence of infections in nursing homes, it often points to a larger issue: abuse and neglect. Residents can suffer from various medical issues, including:

  • Skin infections
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Influenza
  • Respiratory infections

If these issues aren’t treated, it can lead to serious complications and life-threatening problems.

The spread of infections in nursing homes can often be traced back to neglect or substandard care.

Poor hygiene practices, inadequate infection control measures, and neglect of residents’ basic needs can all contribute to the spread of communicable diseases.

Nursing Home Injuries Are Preventable

Get your loved one the help they need today.

Lacerations, Bruises, and Welts

Bruises and cuts commonly occur in residential care facilities. Sometimes, they can be a sign of physical abuse or neglect.

For example, injuries caused by restraints utilized by nursing home staff can be quite serious, especially if they’re left on for an extended amount of time. As a result, those patients may suffer harm to their wrists and legs.

Welts are another type of distressing injury. If a resident has suffered physical abuse from punching or kicking, it can develop into welts on the skin.

Head and Spinal Injuries

Head injuries are caused by slips and falls. Often, this results from inadequate supervision, poor maintenance of facilities, or failure to provide necessary assistive devices to residents.

These can lead to:

  • Concussions
  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Death

After a fall, a resident can also suffer from back and spinal cord injuries. It can lead to several types of complications, such as respiratory issues, partial or total loss of feeling, and paralysis of arms and other body parts.

In nursing homes, a spinal injury can occur if the staff fails to provide adequate supervision, especially during activities that involve movement or transfer. It can also happen if the resident’s physical limitations are not properly considered or the necessary safety measures are not put into place.


Asphyxiation happens when patients do not receive enough airflow to breathe properly. Sometimes, these difficulties are caused by medical issues, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), while others could be the direct result of staff neglect.

For example, asphyxiation can also occur due to bedrail injuries in nursing homes, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Bed rails are used in these assisted living facilities to prevent residents from falling out of bed.

However, if not used properly, residents can get stuck between the mattress and the bedrail, leading to restricted airflow and subsequent asphyxiation. This situation is dangerous for residents with limited mobility or who cannot call for help.

Malnutrition and Dehydration

Dehydration and malnutrition among nursing home residents is a serious health concern. It often results from neglect or a resident receiving inadequate care. One 2020 Springer study published by the National Library of Medicine (NLM) suggested that up to 38% of residents have experienced dehydration at some point during their time in one of these assisted living facilities.  According to the Mayo Clinic, dehydration occurs when you use or lose more fluid than you consume.

These conditions are caused by a lack of proper food and fluids and can lead to unintentional weight loss and a weakened immune system.

Insufficient staffing, high staff turnover rates, and lack of care are reasons for those issues in nursing homes.

Mental Health Issues

These injuries often lead to a decline in the victim’s mental health, quality of life, and overall well-being. Isolation, humiliation, and other types of verbal and physical abuse can lead to:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

Doing Your Part To Put an End to Injuries in Nursing Homes

The physical and emotional injuries resulting from abusive treatment in nursing homes are not only detrimental to the health and well-being of the elderly residents but also a violation of their rights and dignity. By watching for and reporting concerns such as elder abuse and neglect at the hands of nursing home caregivers, we can get residents the help they need.

We need to work together to make these residential facilities safe havens for our most vulnerable members of society so they can live in the peace, comfort, and dignity that they deserve. This is why it’s imperative that you take swift action when injuries in nursing homes occur.

Free Consultation

This website was created and is maintained by the legal team at Thomas Law Offices. Our attorneys are experienced in a wide variety of nursing home abuse and neglect cases and represent clients on a nationwide level. Call us or fill out the form to the right to tell us about your potential case. We will get back to you as quickly as possible.
